Petit Riz

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the real allgäu käsespätzle

guest post by Emmanuelle Tang When I’m at a restaurant, I always carefully scan the menu, my eyes quickly searching for  “brie”, “rocquefort”, “cheddar” and the like. If there’s cheese in one of the dishes, chances are it is the one I’m going to order. I can’t say no to cheese. I guess it’s even […]

japanese strawberry shortcake

During the hot Australian summers my mother and I ate strawberries pressed into yogurt. Later, when there was cream in the house, we ate them with a trickle of cream for dessert. On the other side of the world, in France, my grandfather picked strawberries from his garden and sliced them into two bowls. He […]

berry and honeyed mascarpone shortbread tart

guest post by Joanna Ehrenreich / photos by Geoffroy Bablon When my grandmother passed away, my grandfather went through their house and put things in order. They had retired half way across the country decades earlier from the suburbs of New York to the warm and arid city of Santa Fe, New Mexico. He sent […]

Orange flower water / Amlou / Honey

guest post by Sarah Sahel My friends and I, we like to travel. Modern technology helps us feel closer to each other as we grow further apart. We call sometimes, often write emails, and use our pens rarely. Scattered around the globe, we discover a common language, taught in our mother tongue yet offered in […]


My mother would ask me what I’d like to eat for my birthday parties. Futomaki, I’d say. I wanted to impress my friends with beautiful Japanese cooking and anyway, they were always nagging me for sushi. The first question I’d hear was: do you eat a lot of sushi? No, I’d answer, almost never! Only […]

lulu and elizabeth

We can think of baking as a science: scrape the excess flour from a cup with a knife and measure your teaspoons of vanilla. What is 1/8 of a teaspoon and what is a pinch of salt? I’ve met women who rarely measure, or if they do it is with their eyes, nose, and tongues. […]

la galette des rois (the three kings cake)

guest post by Emmanuelle Tang My grandfather Pierre and his brother Léon always made it a point not to sell any ‘galettes des rois’ before the Epiphany Eve. They were both bakers in Cherbourg, Normandy, a city lost at the far end of the Cotentin Peninsula and famous for its umbrellas. In fact, they were […]

winter desserts

I arrived in Brittany just before a great storm. Many were left without electricity for Christmas Eve and streets flooded across the coast. My cousins and I walked around Rennes in the evening under rain and a biting wind. At night we started a fire by burning old egg crates in the chimney. We heated […]

cooking rice

Before I could walk or crawl my mother carried me on her back while she cooked. I can’t remember this, but I spent hours sleeping against her spine, or watching the burners from above her shoulders. The small kitchen in Paris was our corner of the world, the center of our apartment. Not much has […]

spaghetti bolognese is the warmest color

guest post by Sarah Souli I had been reading about Blue is the Warmest Color for months before I actually saw it in theaters: the lengthy narrative (I had to get up once in the three hours for a drink of water); the infamous lesbian sex scene (no nervous giggles from the über-hip and P.C. […]